Monday, February 8, 2010

Attributes of effective health communication

Health communication requires communication strategies to inform and influence individuals and community on matters related to healthcare. Effective communication can increase the demand for appropriate health services.

According to an article I read online, there are eleven attributes of effective healthcare communication.

1. Accuracy

The content is valid and without errors of fact, interpretation, or judgment

2. Availability

The content is delivered or placed where the audience can access it.

3. Balance

The content presents the benefits and risks of potential actions or recognizes different and valid perspectives on the issue

4. Consistency

The content remains internally consistent over time and also is consistent with information from other sources

5. Cultural competence

The design, implementation, and evaluation process that accounts for special issues for select population groups and also educational levels and disability

6. Evidence base

Relevant scientific evidence that has undergone comprehensive review and rigorous analysis to formulate practice guidelines, performance measures, review criteria, and technology assessments for telehealth applications

7. Reach

The content gets to or is available to the largest possible number of people in the target population

8. Reliability

The source of the content is credible, and the content itself is kept up to date

9. Repetition

The delivery of/access to the content is continued or repeated over time, both to reinforce the impact with a given audience and to reach new generations

10. Timeliness

The content is provided or available when the audience is most receptive to, or in need of, the specific information

11. Understandability

The reading or language level and format are appropriate for the specific audience

The conclusion is the ethics, transparency, are innovation are the most crucial elements leading to the success on healthcare communication; the last but not least, how well it listened to patient needs can alter the outcome. It requires interaction among all stakeholders within the healthcare unit. Unlike other organizations, interpersonal communication is a key part of this interaction. Healthcare communication is a two-way show, both for information exchange and for effective content that may accompany the information.


  1. Excellent summary! Taken together, these attributes form a "process." Executing the process maximizes the likelihood of success, and forms a platform for analysis and improvement. Let's spend some class time discussing each and determining if there's a scorecard we could produce to measure the attributes.

  2. I really enjoyed reading this post, big fan. Keep up the good work andplease tell me when can you publish more articles or where can I read more on the subject? koktale

  3. Great post! I was searching for this for a long time. This is really helpful. Do share more. Check this out: Top Healthcare Communications Companies
