Saturday, January 23, 2010

where does doctor-patient communication take place? (Cassie)

Whenever we think of doctor-patient communication, the interaction in the healthcare units comes to our mind; for example, in hospital wards and in the operation rooms. The fact is, communication between doctors and patients are taking place even when they are not being together.

Think about this: When you go back home from the hospital after the consultation with your doctor, and you talk to your parents or friends about what you have just experienced, is this a kind of comunication with your doctor?

Of course this is not direct communication, but still it can be considered as indirect communication. You are communicating with your doctor without him noticing this.

Isn't this make the doctor-patient communication more challenging? You cannot control what message is flowing out there, and you honestly have no idea how to control it.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe the trick is to tap into those "over the back fence" conversations with social media? How would a physician do that? Should physicians do that?
